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Hi! I'm Maggie!


In Fall of 2019, I entered Lawrence Technologic University and began learning about everything that goes into games. During my time at school, I’ve gained experience in game concept art, level design, game design, and full production cycles. I’ve worked through multiple classes that focus on creating a game vertical slice from start to finish. Now, I'm working with LTU to explore Unreal Engine and release my new project, Alembic in May 2024. I'm always looking for more new opportunities in the game design sphere and exciting projects to work on.


Video games have been a major part of my life and have kicked off several of my closest friendships. Whether it's due to busy schedules or a worldwide pandemic, video games have helped me stay connected and spend time with the people I care about. Games have brought so much joy to my life, and I hope I can create games that do the same for others.

My Other Sites

Check out some of the other, smaller projects I've worked on.

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